Dodge Check Engine Light Flashes 10 Times: Issues and Fixing Tips

Dodge Check Engine Light Flashes 10 Times: Issues and Fixing Tips

Assuming you ignited your Dodge truck one fine day as usual, and suddenly while driving, the check engine light flashes 10 times. Now, you might have seen your Dodge check engine light flash before but 10 times? Isn’t that a lot? Well, of course, it is. It is designed to flash that many times since it indicates a critical matter. 

A fault in the engine, be it the spark plug, oxygen sensor, or an issue with the fuel system, can cause the Dodge check engine light flashes 10 times. This is because these issues can directly impact engine performance. If you wish to resolve these issues, a proper diagnosis using an OBD-II scanner and replacement of the faulty part is required. Nevertheless, taking preventive measures to save yourself from engine issues is a much better choice.

What Does it Mean When Engine Light Flashes 10 Times

The engine light functions in a vehicle to warn you about a problem in your Dodge Ram. It is also known as MIL–malfunction indicator lamp, indicating a trivial issue like a broken gas cap, or a much more significant problem like an engine that isn’t working properly. When this light comes on, your job is to look for signs in the engine, showing a change in the performance but a visit to a professional is compulsory in this scenario. 

When a steady engine light is flashing, it suggests that trouble is stirring but a blinking light that flashes 10 times means that the problem is grave, should be taken seriously, and solved immediately. If you keep driving your Dodge Ram, ignoring the constantly flashing engine light, it could further damage the vehicle. 

The frequency and pattern of the check flashlight are its diagnostic indicators. It can be of different colors in different models of the Dodge Ram, maybe yellow, orange, or any other color that the developers go for. 

Why Does the Check Engine Light Flash 10 Times?

A check engine flashlight that starts to flash 10 times and stops indicates a serious issue in your engine. It means that you should look into the issue right away.

What are the possible reasons behind the Dodge check engine light blinking 10 times?

There are many possible reasons why the Dodge check engine light is blinking 10 times. Let’s look into them.

Diagnostic Process in Progress

When you turn the ignition key once, it turns on the ignition without cranking up the engine. During this time the engine starts to self-scan using the OBD-II system as a diagnostic procedure. The ECM performs several tests throughout this process to guarantee that every engine component operates as intended. If this self-scan yields flawless results, the CEL ought to quit blinking.  

Significant Defects Found

The Dodge check engine light may flash sometimes, signaling the existence of a serious issue that might cause the engine to break down or produce additional pollutants. Problems with vital systems like fuel distribution, ignition, or combustion systems may fall under this category.

Diagnosis of Engine Failure or Misfire

Engine Failure or Misfire: Dodge Check Engine Light Flashes 10 Times

An engine can misfire due to a faulty spark plug, low fuel pressure, faulty oxygen sensors, and leaks in the engine system. This is a very common reason for the Dodge check engine light to flash 10 times. The blinking CEL alerts you to a serious and possibly hazardous misfire that is detected by the Engine Control Module (ECM).

Unprepared Emission Mechanism

The emission mechanism needs to be prepared before it starts to function properly in the Dodge vehicle. For this purpose, it has to go through different test procedures that can ensure its correct functionality. Until the emission mechanism is tested and run, the check engine light keeps flashing, indicating the ongoing test runs. 

Recent Maintenance

If you recently went for a maintenance check of your Dodge Ram, and the dealer removed the battery, refixed it, and got rid of error codes, there are chances that the diagnostic process of the ECM failed to complete causing the check engine light to flash constantly. The good news here is that the engine light will stop flashing once the diagnostic tests are completed. 

How to Diagnose and Fix Dodge Ram Check Engine Light is Flashing 10 Times Problem?

If your check engine light is flashing 10 times, it means that your Dodge Ram engine is facing severe trouble that needs to be fixed without delay. However, to fix the issue, it first needs to be diagnosed, so let’s look at how to diagnose and fix the Dodge Ram check engine Light.

1. Fuel System

Fuel system problems can cause the check engine light to flash ten times because it directly impacts the Dodge engine performance and fuel economy.

Start the diagnosis by checking for blockage in the fuel filter. Next, check the fuel pump for physical defects or test it for unseen pump problems. After that, analyze the fuel injectors. See if they are leaking or if there is any blockage. Also, check the fuel pressure which should be within the recommended levels.

During the diagnosis, if you find that the fuel filter is faulty, replace it. The same goes for the fuel pump and the fuel injectors which need to be replaced straightaway if they malfunction because the engine will be drastically affected by their lack of input.

2. Malfunctioning Oxygen Sensor

Check engine light in your Dodge Ram can start flashing 10 times due to malfunctioning oxygen sensors, which can also lead to insufficient fuel management and higher emissions.

To diagnose a malfunctioning oxygen sensor, you need to employ an OBD-II scanner. This will help recognize error codes for example the P0130 code.

If the malfunctioning oxygen sensor is diagnosed, replace it promptly. You will find the oxygen sensor mostly near the exhaust system so it won’t be hard to locate. Replacing it in time will help prevent the Dodge vehicle from long-term damage.

3. Engine Misfire

Mostly, the Dodge Ram check engine light flashes 10 times due to an issue in the engine, commonly an engine misfire. This decreases fuel efficiency, and engine performance, and also gives rise to rough idling.

For the diagnosis of an engine misfire, an OBD-II scanner is normally used. It helps identify the exact cylinder causing trouble. It uses code language to demonstrate the problematic cylinder, for example, using the code P03031 for cylinder 1.

When you diagnose the faulty cylinder, check its spark plugs, and fuel injectors for defects. Replace the damaged parts so that your cylinder is as good as new. The ignition coils also need to be checked the same way and replaced if defective.

4. Check the Catalytic Converter

A Dodge Ram check engine light may appear on the instrument panel as a consequence of catalytic converter issues, which can also cause decreased engine power and higher emissions. 

For the diagnosis of a catalytic converter, the same OBD-II scanner can be utilized. The difference is in the code settings. For a catalytic converter, the diagnostic trouble codes are different than the engine cylinder codes. An example of a catalytic converter code is the P0420 code. Also, check for any physical damage to the catalytic converter.

Once the fault in the catalytic converter is found, your next job is to fix the issue. Let’s say you found the damaged parts in the catalytic converter, simply replace them so that the catalytic converter can start working fine again.

5. Exhaust Gas Regulation Valve

If your EGR-Exhaust Gas Regulation valve is malfunctioning, then it can cause the Dodge Ram check engine flashlight to flash 10 times. This is because if the EGR is problematic, it has a direct impact on the engine, reducing the engine power production. 

For a faulty exhaust gas regulation valve diagnosis, an OBD-II scanner is used, showing codes like P0401. Also, check the main issue in the EGR valve like if there is any blockage or physical damage,

Depending upon the issue in the EGR valve, it should either be serviced or replaced. The service is done when the EGR valve in your Dodge Ram is dirty but if there are any physical defects, replacing the valve becomes necessary.

What to Do if Your Dodge Check Engine Light Flashes 10 Times?

If you are driving on a normal roadway as usual and suddenly your Dodge check engine light starts flashing 10 times, you need to follow a series of steps to protect yourself from any dangerous situation. 

  1. The first step to take when you notice the check engine light flashing is to pull over and stop your car safely at the side of the road. 
  2. Next, use an OBD-II scanner (you should always keep one in your vehicle for emergencies), and diagnose the main cause of the check engine light flashing.
  3. After that inspect the spark plugs and ignition coils physically for any external damage. 
  4. Then, use the OBD-II code again but this time to clear out any error codes. 
  5. If this doesn’t resolve the check engine light flashing issue, the damage to the engine is severe, and a defective component may need replacement.
  6. In such a scenario, finally, get your vehicle towed over to a professional so that he may discover and replace the faulty component. 

Preventative Measures and Regular Maintenance

If you want your engine to work in its perfect condition for a long time, regular maintenance and preventive measures of your engine are your end of the job. Let’s have a look at some of these maintenance tips and preventive measures to avoid the check engine light flashing in your Dodge Ram.

  1. Visit your dealer regularly for maintenance checks of your Dodge Ram. These include filter replacements if clogging, tune-ups, and fluid checks so that you can replace the contaminated fluid or refill it if it’s less in amount.
  2. The preventive measures include tightening the gas cap. This gas cap if stays loose after refueling, can cause the fuel vapor leaks triggering the check engine light. Also, always use high-quality fuel for your engine. 
  3. It is also important to regularly clean your EGR (electronic gas regulation) valve as a maintenance mechanism and preventive measure to avoid carbon build-up in the EGR pipelines. 
  4. Moreover, routine scans using the OBD-II scanner are also very important because they help to diagnose any fault in the engine system early on before it gets worse.
  5. Additionally, keep your gas tank filled up to the required levels to help prevent decreased pressure in the engine system which causes the engine to work efficiently. 


In conclusion, the Dodge check engine light flashes 10 times to indicate a serious issue in the engine including an engine misfire, issues in the ignition system, fuel circulation problems, or an unfixed battery. Sometimes it only flashes during the running of diagnostic tests. The problematic issues, however, can be solved by a simple replacement of the faulty component but first requires diagnosis of the issue, mostly through an OBD-II scanner. To prevent the engine from defecting, you should take it for regular maintenance checkups, checking the oil levels, spark plug quality, and other engine parts.  


When the engine light flashes 10 times, you should immediately check for its cause, and since a grave situation leads to the check engine light flashing 10 times, you should get professional help right away. This is because a delay in checking and fixing the engine can lead to more serious damage.

Yes, a loose gas cap can cause the engine light to flash but it is not a serious problem and can be fixed by simply tightening the cap. However, if you still notice the light after fixing the cap or replacing it with a new cap, try resetting the warning light You will also observe that with a loose gas cap, the check engine light doesn’t constantly flash 10 times.

Yes, when you notice the 10 blinking check engine light, you can fix it yourself if you have enough vehicle knowledge but if you don’t, it is safer to stop your vehicle at the roadside. This helps any further damage that may be caused by driving with a faulty engine. Get your vehicle towed to a professional for proper inspection and fixation of the problem.

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